Residential Withdrawal Management
Residential Withdrawal Management is a short-term service that provides a helpful, safe location for individuals 16 and older experiencing substance withdrawal, intoxication, or seeking help with relapse prevention. 24/7 care from our multidisciplinary team using a bio-psycho-social-spiritual model is available. Specific service components include referrals across the continuum of care, community support, group and Individual education on harm reduction, healthy coping, life skills, relapse prevention, one-to-one support, assessments, medical care and monitoring, peer support and self-help groups.
Mental Health and Justice Safe Beds
Our Mental Health and Justice Safe Beds (Safe Beds) are co-located throughout residential withdrawal management. These beds allow longer stays for people with mental health, addictions and justice system involvement. Care in this service mirrors that of residential withdrawal management. Some Safe Beds require a direct referral from the Police or MCRRT (Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team).

In-home/Mobile Withdrawal Management brings services and supports to the individual – whether in an individual’s home, a family member’s home, a shelter, a supportive recovery facility, or other places where a person resides. This service is intended to increase access to community withdrawal management services, particularly for hard-to-service clients, including those located in rural and remote areas. Specifically, this service will provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals experiencing acute withdrawal from substances to withdraw from substances at home. Service may be provided in person or virtually across the region.